Erin Shagren
Erin Shagren was born and raised in Tacoma, WA. She is a graduate of Western Washington University, where she met her husband, Mark. They moved to Tacoma after graduation and raised their four children.
Erin was a stay-at-home mom while her children were young. During this time, Erin was in several leadership roles for MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and at her church, and she was the PTA president at her children’s school. Erin joined her family’s foundation in 2006 and became its Executive Director for over ten years. She is currently on the board of trustees for the University of Puget Sound, Board member for Mary Bridge Children’s Foundation, Board of Trustees for the South Puget Sound Boys & Girls Club, Board member for MOPS. She previously served as an Elder for her church.
Erin’s favorite role is as grandma to her four (with one more due in June 2023) grandchildren. Erin has deep ties to the Chelan/Wenatchee area. She has a home on the south shore of Lake Chelan that she has been going to her whole life.